ForadCamp Off 2022


Pedra pàtria

by Macià Florit Campins



Macià and Lau are two brothers born in Menorca, in the heart of the Mediterranean. Now a filmmaker, Macià is temporarily residing in the United States, while Lau, the younger brother, is a farmer who has remained on this small rocky island. From a collection of organically textured images, letters and drawings, the story takes us back to the lost paradise of childhood, constantly eroded by the force of the waves, of the Tramontane wind, of distance and time. Hidden in the memory of the stones and the lunar landscapes lie the sources of local identity, traditions and summer solstice pagan rites, perpetuated from generation to generation. “At what point did our paths separate?” wonders the director with a gentle blend of melancholy and guilt as his brother, dressed in sheepskin, plays the role of John the Baptist during the Saint’s celebration. In this intimate journey of brotherly love, it is the prodigal son who looks at himself in the reflection of his younger brother, while reflecting aloud on the limits of memory and images.


Projection: Saturday, Septembrer 17, 19:30 h.


Country: Spain

Year, Run time: 2021, 76 min.

Director: Macià Florit Campins

Script, photography & Edition: Macià Florit Campins

Production: Macià Florit Campins i Xavier Puig

Music: Francesc Catalán i Alan Florit

Sound design: Míriam Guerra

Pedra pàtria | Teaser from elsabeth on Vimeo.

Official Website:

screening sponsored by Elsabeth productions